Welcome from Call To Action Columbus

Call To Action Columbus is the Columbus is the Ohio chapter of Call To Action (CTA).

We are Catholics called to love one another.

We seek an inclusive Catholic Church where all are welcome and none are excluded. We seek a inclusive society were none are excluded.

We are Catholics dedicated to the spirit of Vatican II.  We believe that the Spirit of God is at work in the whole church, not just in its appointed leaders.  We envision a church where all members, whether lay, religious or ordained, are empowered by the Holy Spirit to participate in ministry.

As Catholic activists seeking to follow Jesus, we are not powerless. Together let us build an inclusive Catholic Church, a loving church that reflects the kingdom of God, and an inclusive society.

If you are called to love one another, please drop in our next meeting, or contact us.


Church reform is the transformation of our Roman church into an inclusive church, through an educational process that encourages all Catholics to publicly reject any form of exclusion. This is integral to following Jesus’ exhortation to “Love one another” since exclusion is the excluding of others from our love.