St Mary Magdala Celebration
St Mary Magdala Celebration with Rev Dagmar Braun Celeste of the Danube Seven, the first women ordained Roman Catholic priests (2002). At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.
St Mary Magdala Celebration with Rev Dagmar Braun Celeste of the Danube Seven, the first women ordained Roman Catholic priests (2002). At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.
Renewing the Roman Catholic Church as an Inclusive Church in Ohio. Catholics throughout Ohio are invited to this gospel nonviolence workshop. Sponsors are FutureChurch, Voices Speaking, the American Catholic Council, the Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church, and Call To Action Columbus. This worship is for Catholics in Ohio who want an…
Homeless in Columbus with Mike Tynan of Open Shelter. Mike Tynana is on the Board of the Columbus Coalition for the Homeless. At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.
Women's Ordination with Erin Said Hanna of the Women's Ordination Conference will speak. At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.
Women's Equality in the Catholic Church with Roy Bourgeois, founder of School of the Americans Watch. Roy continues to be a tireless advocate for the equality of women in the Church despite being severely punished by the Vatican for speaking his conscience. This talk is part of the Justice in the Catholic Church Series of…
A Chrism Mass Vigil is being held for an inclusive church. Roy Bourgeois talked about making a personal statement with a sign, standing on the street, and of the personal statement being received. If you want an inclusive church, come and make your personal statement. Your. personal statement at the Chrism Mass Vigil will be…
Natural Law with Fr Charles Curran, professor of moral theology at Southern Methodist University. Fr Curran is a Roman Catholic priest who is considered one of the foremost Catholic theologians. A former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Fr Curran was stripped of his license to teach by Rome in 1986 because of…
Mary Magdalene Service: This year Call To Action Columbus will be joining with North Congregational United Church of Christ, 2040 W Henderson Rd, Columbus on Saturday July 25 for a Contemplative Memorable Event honoring Mary Magdalene. Prelude begins at 4:30pm. Service starts promptly at 5pm. A light Middle Eastern meal will follow at 6pm. Suggested…
The LCWR and Its Relationship with the Church with Sr Helen Maher Garvery, BVM past president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.
Thomas Merton's Awaking to the Feminine Divine Wisdom-Sophia with Catholic theologian Chris Pramuk of Xavier University. At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.
What Diginity Has to Teach the Whole Church on Sexuality withy feminist Catholic theologian Mary E Hunt, co-founder and co-director of Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER). At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.
An Inclusive, Mission-Driven Church: Risky Business with Catholic priest Fr Jim Callan of Spiritus Christi, a Catholic Church that is no longer Roman; a Christ centered community reaching beyond institutional church to new inclusive to all; ordinary people joyously celebrating Jesus' radical message of unconditional love. This talk is part of the Justice in the…