The Promise of Pope Francis: Hopes and Fears

The Promise of Pope Francis: Hopes and Fears with Fr Donald Cozzens of John Carroll University, author of Faith That Dares To Speak and Notes From the Underground: the Spiritual Journey of a Secular Priest.  At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.

St Mary Magdala Celebration

St Mary Magdala Celebration with Rev Dagmar Braun Celeste of the Danube Seven, the first women ordained Roman Catholic priests (2002).  At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.

Gospel Nonviolence Workshop

Renewing the Roman Catholic Church as an Inclusive Church in Ohio.  Catholics throughout Ohio are invited to this gospel nonviolence workshop.  Sponsors are FutureChurch, Voices Speaking, the American Catholic Council, the Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church, and Call To Action Columbus.  This worship is for Catholics in Ohio who want an…

Homelessness in Columbus

Homeless in Columbus with Mike Tynan of Open Shelter.  Mike Tynana is on the Board of the Columbus Coalition for the Homeless.  At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.

Women’s Ordination

Women's Ordination with Erin Said Hanna of the Women's Ordination Conference will speak.  At Maple Grove UMC, 7 W Henderson Rd, Columbus.